Friday, November 27, 2009

To My Sons...


I hope some day you have an idea how much I love you.

I hope some day you understand how much you have taught me about what is truly important in life, what unconditional love is, and what sacrifice really means.

I hope you grow up to be as good of a father to your children as yours is to you.

I hope you know that you are my reason for being here.

I hope you know that I thank God for you every day.

I hope you know that your little brother does not replace you in mama and dada's eyes. You each hold very special places in our hearts.

I hope you know there is nothing in the world I would not do for you for your benefit.


I hope some day you have an idea how much I love you.

I hope some day you understand that you taught me a heart's capability to love can only grow, not be divided more.

I hope you grow up to be as good of a father to your children as yours is to you.

I hope you know that you are my reason for being here.

I hope you know that I thank God for you every day.

I hope you know that your big brother is your best friend for matter what crayon he stole or if he tattles on you.

I hope you know that there is nothing in the world I would not do for your benefit.

To both of you...

I pray that you take care of each other throughout your lives.

I pray that you never, ever have to wonder if I loved you. If you do, I failed as a mother.

I pray you find a soul mate who will help you raise your own babies and you both get to experience the beauty of family.

Life is precious, and the things you say and do can either enrich your lives, or take away from them. Make you decisions wisely.

No one is perfect. Strive to be the best you can...the rest will fall into place.

I love you both...and no, I will never stop reminding you of that.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why is it a suprise...

when after the men in our lives walk around in an array of announcing or engaging in bodily functions that are less than attractive, they are surprised that we are not anxiously awaiting a romantic tryst??

Am I alone here?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Quote of the day

If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? Milton Berle

Friday, November 13, 2009


As a mama, I think there are some general truths that hold true for all of us.

When the day settles, the babes are asleep, the dishes are done, the laundry is put away, a mama has the time to sit with her thoughts and emotions. Sometimes, a mama feels sad, exhausted, lonely...but always blessed. Sometimes she feels energized at a day well done. Sometimes there are feelings of frustration, inadequacy, fear, being lost...and sometimes a sense of peace, content, and accomplishment.

No matter what...if our babes need us, those feeling are all pushed aside should there be a cry or need that has to be addressed.

We do not put ourselves first. Sometimes this is not a problem, and sometimes we just wish we could have that minute to feel what we need to feel. Sometimes we wish we could be put first, as strange as it may feel...and one has any idea at all what is going on inside our hearts and minds...because most of the time no one else is paying attention.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It never ceases to amaze me the instincts I seem to have developed since I became a mama. Not just about my babes, but myself. I can think of countless examples. While I am NOT at all advising people to go against a physician, I would have to say that they are sometimes wrong, or not entirely right, despite their level of knowledge. It is frustrating as a mama to have to go through the hoops to prove my point and get the physician to believe me. In all honesty, I don't like not doing what a doctor says, but when it is me or my children who have to deal with the makes this situation rather sticky.

I truely believe that the best physicians are the ones that listen to their patients and work with them, not on them. I have experienced this many times as well. It is just to bad more physicians do not practice medicine this way.