Sunday, January 24, 2010


There is no doubt that having children changes the decisions you may have otherwise made. I have thought about going on in school and this past week I looked up graduate programs. I found out I would have to apply for entry this upcoming fall and slam in a statistics class first in order to avoid having to repeat undergraduate classes. Now, if i did not have children, I would certainly fight to get it done.

I am just not willing to do that...

I thought about this for awhile and at first I thought, I am sacrificing furthering my education to be a mama. Then I thought...if I did start graduate school what I would be missing with my children is far more valuable. School will always be there, my sons childhoods only happen once and are priceless.

So the question became, am I really sacrificing anything by putting of school? The answer of course is no.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What it is all about...

The arrival of my second son has been wonderful. We were blessed to have a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby. Life does not get any better.

I was sitting on the couch Christmas morning and I just started crying. It's amazing when you realize everything you want or need in life at that moment is right in front of you. I felt complete. I honestly was not interested in Christmas presents because I knew there was nothing in those packages that I needed. Watching my older son's excitement with my husband at Santa having come while nursing my newborn was the best thing I could have gotten that morning.

This is what the holidays are all about!