Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Letter to My Daughter

If you ever doubt that God exists....just look in the mirror.

You are an answered prayer.

I remember the moment sitting in church when I prayed to God asking that we would have a third, beautiful, healthy baby, and if He saw fit for us to raise a girl, that we would have one.  I remember a calm washing over me and I cried.  I hoped no one noticed, but it was hard to hide.  It wasn't even two weeks later we found out you were growing inside of me.

Pregnancy was not easy...the typical fatigue, nausea, and mood swings soon followed.  I began having an irregular heart beat requiring medication and then gestational diabetes.  I prayed to God again asking that you were unharmed by the heart medications I had to take.  I worked hard to keep my blood sugars under control so I would not need another medication.  And you know what....I DID IT!

We found out you were a girl and my heart began to sing.

Did you know that you inspire me?  Yes YOU!

I know I need to show you and teach you what it means to be a woman, a friend, a wife.....and I must do a good job of that myself.

There are so many things I want for you....I want you to know that beauty comes from within and not from a magazine on the shelf.  A kind and gentle heart will get you further in life than deep pockets.  Life is a precious gift...don't spend yours on petty things.  Love God.  Forgiveness is the greatest gift you give yourself.  True friendship is rare and priceless.  When you have a child, know that your life will forever change in ways that you can not comprehend.  Never let a day go by when those you love question how you feel about them.  The most precious gift you can give is of yourself.  There are people who will take advantage of that, but don't let it change who you are.

Be Happy.

I will always love you more than I can express in words.  Love your brothers.

Most of all, I hope I am the mother that you need me to be.  My actions may not always seem fair, but I promise you this...I will always do whatever I need to do for your best interest.  I am your mother first, your friend second.  I think of the first as the greater of the two...many people will be your friend, but only I can be your mother.

I love you.