Saturday, June 12, 2010

Giggle galore!

Noah has a new favorite game--fluffing the blanket! He sits in his bouncy seat and I throw the blanket up into the air and let it land on him. Then, I slowly pull it away. Talk about full belly giggles!! He LOVES it!! Those little arms and legs get going so much it is like he is doing the worm :) It's so nice when they are easy to please!!


Noah's baptism was today. I am not sure why I have cried at both Nathan and Noah's baptism. It is an emotional day for me. I am not sobbing or anything, but I have to dry my eyes. The priest did a very nice job :) Church was full too!!

Noah wore a super cute all white tux looking outfit. He looked so dang cute :) He even got a fleece blanket that was made by the grade schoolers!

Afterwords it was back home for food!! Yummy turkey sandwiches, cheesey potatoes, and cake!! Not to mention the snacky stuff.

The only hard part about these types of occasions is that it never really seems as important to everyone else as it does to my husband and me. I am not sure if I am expecting too much from everyone else. Of course they are not as emotionally invested in my children as I am, but sometimes it feels like people just come for show. This makes me disheartened...

The important part is that my second baby is baptised!! Yay baby Noah!! May God bless you!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Missed my boys...

it amazes me sometimes....I can have days where I am ok with going to work and of course I miss my boys, but it is just life. Today, for whatever reason, I just really missed my boys. No particular reason...just really wanted to see them, touch them, love them :) And of course it had to be a day where I was stuck at work much later than normal. As soon as I got home, it was hugs and kisses from mama!! Of course, my two year old's response was "no mama!!" giggling away. My baby of course giggled and scrunched his neck where i tried to tickle him with kisses. aaaahhhh!!!! it's a GREAT life :-)