Sunday, July 29, 2012

From One Minute to Three Miles

I decided a couple of months ago to embark on a journey.  One I honestly did not think I would be able to finish.  I thought to myself, I am going to prove I can not do this.  I am going to keep trying until I fail because I do not think I can do this.

I wanted to start jogging. So I did...using a program called C25K or couch to 5k.  It is a program designed for people who do not run, to get running.  I had tried running a couple of times in the past and could not do it because I would get so short of breath.  Since the last time I tried, I discovered I have a touch of asthma.  It was worse during pregnancy, cold weather, when I am sick, and when I try to exercise.  I have an inhaler now that I use just when I need it. 

Anyways, I started my mission to prove to myself I couldn't do it.  The first week, you start jogging in one minute intervals alternating with walking.  I can not tell you how hard it was to jog for that minute.  I would look at the timer and pray for the seconds to magically tic by faster.  They never showed me any mercy.  My feet were screaming.  So much so that I literally had to stop walking  and rest to feel like I could get back home.

A dear friend of mine schooled me on how to buy good running shoes.  That made such a difference I could not believe it!!!  I continued on with my journey in running only to be crippled with shin splints.  I literally felt like someone was stabbing me in the shins.  I could not go up and down stairs.  I pushed myself to run with shin splints.  HUGE mistake.  I had to stop and sit at the park because it hurt so much.  If I would have had my phone, I would have called my husband to come and get me they hurt so bad.  After talking to people, I realized ice was the magic trick and ibuprofen certainly helped.

I wondered what people thought of this at least slightly overweight chick running and walking.  Then, after a couple of weeks, I stopped caring.  I adopted the attitude of 'if you don't like the way I look jogging, then don't look at me.'

I pressed onward.  It just so happened I started this journey during the second hottest summer on record.  It forced me to do something else I never imagined I would do....get up before work to exercise.  I also went after dark when the heat wasn't so oppressive.  I learned the value of moisture wicking clothing (I think that is what it is called).  Cotton does NOT breathe well at all. 

I was still waiting for my body to betray me.  Then, it did.  I tried jogging two days in a row.  I think it was about 3/4 of the way through the program.  I could not catch my breath.  I stopped jogging in my workout, caught my breath, and started again to no avail.  I felt defeated.  I talked to my doctor who said to try again after a few days and allow my body to rest.  Being the non-compliant patient that I am, I waited two days, did my inhaler and picked up where I left off. 

The difference was striking.  I made it through my work out and felt like I could keep going.  Believe it or not, I was MAD! I had taken the program slower trying to make sure I could keep my breathing in check and never even tried my inhaler.  Now, I do my inhaler about 10 minutes before starting.  The difference still astonishes me.  It is a matter of muscle conditioning the majority of the time vs. my breathing. 

I pressed on through the program now determined to prove to myself that I COULD do it.  I added a few new tunes that happen to motivate me and jogged three miles.  That is beyond crazy to me!!  I started out praying for 60 seconds to go by faster and now I am working on shaving time off my 3 mile jog. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be physically capable of doing this.  It took me about 12 weeks to get to this point.  Even more surprising--I get lost in my thoughts when I am jogging.  It is almost like I can disconnect physically and spend time inside myself.  It is a comforting place I enjoy visiting. 

There is something to be said for accomplishing a physical push your body to its limits...and then a little more.  I always thought people were crazy for jogging religiously.  Now, I get it.  To feel my muscles grow, my heart and lungs burn to keep pace with my legs, and then suddenly it isn't so hard anymore, to know that I can push my physical body to do more is addicting.  The knowledge that I can do something I put my mind to that is just for me, no one else, is intoxicating. 

I am signed up for my first 5K race.  It is something I never thought I would be capable of doing.  I will have a race number!  I will get a t-shirt that says I did a 5K!  Better yet, another friend who inspired me to even try the program will be there with me.  She is actually training for a marathon now, so this will be no challenge for her.  But she is doing it to support me!  A coworker says she will go too.  To say I am excited is an understatement!

What a journey that I am on...and it isn't even over yet :)

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